Members of the Voice of the People Party (VPP) today met North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) Director, Nalin Mehta on the issue of age limit pertaining to recruitment of Nursing Officers in the institute.
Reportedly as per the advertisement of NEIGRIHMS the age limit for the said posts were reduced from 35 years to 30 years.
VPP general secretary, Ricky AJ Syngkon told reporters after meeting Mehta that if the age limit was reduced, then it will be a loss for candidates of the state.
He said that they met the NEIGRIHMS Director to know the reason why the age limit for the posts was reduced from 35 years to 30 years.
According to the VPP general secretary, Mehta said that this was done as per per the order of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare dated August 23, 2023.
“We feel that this will affect the candidates of the northeast and other hill areas and we have to take up this issue with the central government,” Syngkon told reporters.
The VPP also said that it will approach the state government on the matter.
It may be mentioned that that AIIMS, New Delhi, vide Notice No. 146/2023 dated 05.08.2023, invited applications through NORCET-5 for recruitment to the post of Nursing Officer for AIIMS, New Delhi and other AIIMS as per available vacancies in the respective institutes.
The examinations for the same were scheduled on September 17, 2023 {Online (CBT) for Stage I: NORCET Preliminary} and October 7, 2023 {Online (CBT) for Stage II: NORCET Mains}.
Reportedly AIIMS, New Delhi suddenly by a notice (No 200/2023) posted on its website on August 25 informed that in continuation of the Notice No. 146/2023, NEIGRIHMS, Shillong is now a participating institute of NORCET-5 and that the last date for submission of online forms is extended to August 28, 2023.