An orientation of skill training programme for General Duty Assistant and Home Health Aide was inaugurated at Deinchynrum, East Jaintia Hills district today.
The programme was organised by the Mih-Myntdu Community Social Welfare Association (MCSWA), which was attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner J.U Kharpuri in the presence of District Medical & Health Officer Dr D. Shylla.
Addressing the gathering Kharpuri said such training programme will benefit the youth of the district. She spoke on skills training programme provided under Skill Meghalaya and highlighted on the aim of the government to provide job placement to the youth of the state who have completed their training on skills in the health sector.
Speaking on the lack of placement opportunities within the state, Kharpuri urged the trainees and the parents to be open to work even outside the state. She also said that working outside the state and abroad not only provides employment opportunities but it also enhances their respective skill sets.
Dr Shylla in his speech emphasised on the importance of skill training in providing employment opportunities to the youth and encouraged them to take advantage of the opportunity as it will benefit them in getting employment avenues in future.
Others who spoke during the programme were Chief Functionary MCSWA, A. J. Nongkynrih, Skill Development Officer, L. Suchen, and Skills Manager Programme MCSWA, R. Patlong.