The Jaiñtia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC) has been accused of violating the customary laws of the Elaka Narpuh by granted a no objection certificate (NOC) to a cement company to set up a plant in Wahiajer, East Jaiñtia Hills district.
According to advocate, Kynjaimon Amse the JHADC had on July 3, 2023 gave a clearance to the Meghatop cement company for setting up a 3 million ton with 50 MW captive power plant WHRS system without following due process by claiming to have obtained the NOC from the Elaka.
Amse in a letter to the JHADC Chief Forest Officer said “The purported provisional NOC issued by the Dolloi, Elaka Narpuh dated 3rd November 2022 is not actually a NOC but a word of assurance”.
He said the cement company has misled the JHADC. “From the documents supplied to me through the RTI application it is clear that neither the Dolloi nor the Dorbar Elaka of Narpuh has issued any NOC,” he added.
Amse slammed the JHADC stating the district council which is supposed to protect the rights of the indigenous people has not taken the people into confidence by issuing the NOC illegally.
He also sought an explanation from the district council and demanded cancellation of the NOC “done with malafide intention.”