The Khun Hynñiewtrep National Awakening Movement (KHNAM) today proposed a job reservation policy based on the population structure of the Khasi-Jaintia and Garo communities respectively.
Submitting its views to the Expert Committee on State Reservation Policy today, the KHNAM pointed out that as per the census of 2011 the Khasi-Jaintia communities have population that is bigger by 5,78,918 than the Garo community and this difference is projected to rise to 9,49,756 after the completion of the next census.
“Therefore, the projected difference in population needs to be taken into consideration while working out the percentage of reservation,” the KHNAM said.
It also pointed out that if the quota policy based on population is not possible, a combined reservation of 80 per cent should be made for all three communities (Khasi, Jaintia and Garo) which should be considered on the basis of merit.
Stating that 80 per cent reservation would avoid confrontation between the indigenous tribes of the State, the KHNAM said that this will uphold maintenance of efficiency in the administration as provided in the job reservation policy. Another of its suggestions was for 50 per cent reservation for the Khasi-Jaintia community.
According to the KHNAM, Para 2 of the Reservation Policy dated 12th January 1972, needs to be amended by deleting the provision of carrying forward of vacancies. The party said that carrying forward of vacancies is against the core objective of the policy in maintaining the administrative duties as mentioned in Para 1 of the policy.
It also said that in the office memorandum No. PER/222/72/163 dated 28th May 1974, the vacancies reserved for Garos are being made available to person who are not Garos, but merely conversant in Garo language, customs and usages.
The party said that this is against the core objective and purpose of the reservation and it provides for misuse of reservation by others. “Therefore, it needs to be ensured that such provision(s) should not be allowed,” it added.
Further, the KHNAM pointed out that the office memorandum No. PER/222/72/163 dated 28th May 1974 provides that the candidates from outside the State can also avail the vacancies reserved for Garos.
According to the KHNAM, such provision should not be allowed at any stage so as to ensure that citizens of the State are benefited from the policy.
Meanwhile, the KHNAM pointed out that the office memorandum No PER 272/72/5 dated 18th December 1972 provides for reservation to the district level post at the district level, where the incumbents are not likely to be transferred outside the district of original posting.
In this regard, the party suggested a combined reservation of 80 per cent of the posts in favour of Garos, Khasi-Jaintia instead of a separate reservation of 40 per cent each for Garo and Khasi-Jaintia.
The party said that the same needs to be amended to clearly indicate that in district level post where the incumbents are not likely to be transferred outside the district of original posting, 80 per cent reservation should be made in favour of Khasi-Jaintia in Khasi and Jaintia Hills region and 80 per cent reservation in favour of Garos in Garo Hills region.
The party pointed out that presently the district level posts in Garo Hills are being filled only by the Garo community whereas, in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills districts, the Garo community is also being absorbed along with Khasi-Jaintia community.
The KHNAM also suggested that implementation of the job reservation policy should be extended to the semi-government departments, corporations, organised private sectors and private establishments so that more employment opportunities are made available to the local youth of the State.
According to the party, for the past many years, the State reservation policy has been implemented in the academic seat allocation for higher studies also without proper authorisation.
“Therefore, it is suggested that an amendment be incorporated so as to clearly indicate that the State Reservation Policy 1972 is meant only for job reservation and not for any other purpose,” the KHNAM said.