The Meghalaya Integrated Mountain Development Initiative (MIMDI), Shillong in collaboration with the Union Christian College, Umiam Khwan in Ri-Bhoi district observed the International Day for Biological Diversity on yesterday at the college auditorium, where the students and faculty of the college actively participated in the deliberations.
During the function, a short presentation by Nathaniel Bhakupar Dkhar, a Senior Research Scientist of The Mu Gamma Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Haryana and a member of OMLAS (One Million Leader’s of Asia) outlined the importance of sharing information on the research carried out while laying stress on the overriding importance of ethics, responsibility, honesty and accountability in such processes.
Meghalaya State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) who is also Meghalaya Coordinator of Indian Youth Biodiversity Network (IYBN) Joanica D.Jyrwa spoke on the role of youth in biodiversity conservation. She exhorted the students to be a part of the IYBN.
Secretary of MIMDI and a resource person for the event Dr. Subhasish Das Gupta, made a presentation on the theme, “ Be part of the plan” while dwelling on the journey traversed by the international community and Indian government in biodiversity conservation including enacting appropriate laws sustainable conservation. He threw light on the “LiFE – life style for Environment” campaign of the Govt. of India and the need to adopt simple lifestyle while using resources mindfully.
Principal of the college, Dr. R.M.Manih urged the gathering to conserve biodiversity at individual and collective level for posterity. Recounting his personal experiences, he spoke about the animals that used to frequent the region including the college campus four to five decades back making a comeback during the COVID lockdown.
S.Hussain, an expert in the field of Medicinal and aromatic plant conservation and Dr. K.L.Chaudhuri of Lady Keane College also took part in the event
A pledge was also administered for nurturing biodiversity on the occasion and posters provided by the Biodiversity Board were displayed.