The Kiang Nangbah Government College in collaboration with the National Council for Teacher Education organised a one-day handholding session for teachers on implementation of the Innovative Teacher Education Program (ITEP) aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) today.
Principal of the college, E.M. Blah during the inaugural address highlighted that ITEP is a new teacher education programme offered in multidisciplinary higher education institutions in pilot mode. She said the aim is to nurture, equip student-teachers and ensure that outstanding and deserving candidates enter the teaching profession.
Blah also said that all necessary resources and guidance will be provided to students for them to achieve their goals.
Noted academician and ITEP Curriculum Core Committee Member, Prof. R. C. Patel was the main expert for session. He acquainted participants with the process and journey of teacher education right from the beginning, and how ITEP has evolved because of the need to change the system of teacher education.
He also highlighted the various Education Commissions and suggested that every teacher must read the NEP. He also deliberated on ITEP, and other teacher education programmes which will be introduced at a later stage and the co-existence of the different types of programmes.
Prof. C. Nongbri of Education Department, North-Eastern Hill University moderated the second session wherein questions were raised with regards to academic, regulations, admissions and other areas.