The Green-Tech Foundation has drawn the attention of Chief Minister Conrad Sangma through a petition today on wastes that has clogged Umkhrah River and questioned the fate of the Action Plan for rejuvenation of the river.
Stating that an amount of Rs 186.644 was earmarked restore and rejuvenate the river by the State government the foundation said the river never had a project that signifies the sole dedicated effort for its restoration.
Referring to various initiatives taken by the office of the Deputy Commissioner and the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council for cleaning the Umkhrah and the amount of rupees spent to restore it the foundation said that the river urgently needs long term solution/strategic plan or the people will lose the river as a water source.
“We are well aware that life of the polluted Umïam River has been reduced by 41 years from a century already. The said river can generate power up to the year 2024 since the quantity of silt deposit is about 0.5 Million Cubic Meter every year. The very reason of this negative impact is the flow of waste from Umkhrah, Umshyrpi down to River Ro-Ro and finally to the Umïam River,” the foundation said.
Urging the government to impose strict rules and regulations the foundation suggested the government to gather all residents residing along Umkhrah, local administration and NGOs to take up the task to restore the river.
“We believe that we can do something about this issue since it is a matter about life and death of the residents. If we leave this matter to end in action plans, meetings or fines imposed by the National Green Tribunal or witness the issue silently, a threatening danger lingers near if we do not make any distinct changes/deliberation/commitment about this issue,” they said.