The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), a right-wing students’ organisation affiliated to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), will undertake a programme to give 75 students from other states an immersive experience of the North East.
The decision was taken during the ABVP all-India office bearers meeting held on October 1-2 here.
Dubbed the ‘Purvottar Adhyayan Yatra’ (North East Study Tour) by the ABVP, the programme will, according to a press release, give the participating students “a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich traditions, diverse cultures and natural wonders of North East India. During this enlightening journey, participants will have the chance to visit different tribes, explore local traditions and discover historical sites scattered throughout the picturesque landscapes of North East India.”
This programme has been inspired by the ABVP’s Inter-State Student Lift Darshan Yatra, which began in 1966 and is organised annually, ostensibly to foster national unity.
Yagyawalkya Shukla, the ABVP national general secretary, said, “The states of North East India are rapidly emerging as prominent educational hubs, marking a positive development in the country’s education sector. Not only are these states rich in natural beauty but they are also progressing on various fronts. This is indeed a promising sign for the entire nation.”
Furthermore, Shukla emphasized the growing number of students from North-East India venturing to different parts of the country for educational pursuits and other purposes. He stressed the importance of efforts to help students understand the invaluable heritage of North-East India, ultimately fostering a sense of unity amid diversity.