Residents of Umlong village are left worried over ownership of the Wahriang Limestone Mine that has applied for an environmental clearance from the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority to carry out limestone mining at Wahriang Khliehshnong, Elaka Rymbai in East Jaiñtia Hills district.
A public hearing to carry out limestone mine over 1.33 hectare of land in the area was successfully conducted on November 8 at Umlong village.
However, the waheh shnong and the villagers were left unsatisfied on who owns the company though its resident, Bijen Rupsi featured as the applicant for the project.
Waheh Shnong, Charky Pohtam stated that the public hearing was not clear. He said that villagers fear that the mine project might belong to a company that will put the village in dire straits without knowing how it will benefit the village.
Photam said the former waheh shnong had issued the no objection certificate to Rupsi. He said a dorbar was also held on the matter and the villagers accepted holding of the public when Rupsi assured to produce necessary documents related to the mine.
The waheh shnong said Rupsi produced only the land holding document. He said that as per the public notice there was no mention of his name.
On the other hand Secretary of Umlong Silad Pohtmi said he supports the public hearing as the dorbar shnong has duly accepted it.
Environmental Engineer of the State Pollution Control Board, F.Laloo said that the report of the public hearing will be submitted to the State Assessment Impact Authority.
The public hearing was chaired by Additional Deputy Commissioner, G. Warjri.