Meghalaya was one of the worst performing states in terms of GST collection for August 2024, with the figure for last month being 18 per cent lower than August 2023.
There were six states that saw a contraction in revenues from last August. These were Meghalaya and Nagaland (both down 18 per cent), Mizoram (-13 per cent), Chhattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh (-10 per cent each) and Andhra Pradesh (-5 per cent).
Nationally, growth in GST collections slowed marginally to 10 per cent in August from 10.3 per cent in July, with revenues of nearly Rs 1.75 lakh crore. However, the rise in net receipts slumped to 6.5 per cent, the second weakest in this financial year, from 14.4 per cent in the previous month.
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs said August’s GST revenue figures are provisional and the actual numbers may “slightly vary” on finalisation. GST revenues collected in August generally pertain to economic activity in the preceding July.