A day after the Meghalaya Public Service Commission (MPSC) changed its mind to release the marks obtained by candidates who sat for the recent MCS preliminary examination, the Khasi Students Union (KSU) has sought the support of the aspirants to back their demand.
KSU, employment and monitoring cell chairman Rueben A Najiar stated that there were only six candidates, including the daughter of the MPSC secretary, who had objected to the release of marks of all the candidates.
On August 1, MPSC Chairman Paul Reader Marwein had agreed to release the marks of all the candidates but decided not to do so yesterday, citing objection from the candidates due to potential infringement of their right to privacy which is their fundamental right guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
Najiar at a press conference today said although this time the MPSC does not want to make the marks of the candidates public, in 2019 the scoresheet of the Meghalaya Police Service (MPS) examination was displayed.
He said there are around 13,000 candidates who appeared in the MCS prelims and urged them to support and work together by sending an email application to the KSU in its demand for public disclosure of marks.
The KSU has also threatened to take stringent action if the MPSC does not clean up the recruitment process.
The MCS preliminary examination was dogged in controversy after reassessment of OMR sheets for three questions was done by the commission on the result of the original exam held on December 15, 2023 and the inclusion of 62 additional candidates in the reassessment.