By Raphael Warjri
In the modern world, economic considerations often wield significant influence over social dynamics and cultural practices. While some nations prioritize intellectual and financial resourcefulness in their citizenship policies, others cling to traditional cultural values even as economic forces shape social changes.
In many societies, traditional customs and practices have undergone transformation, with gestures of gratitude during significant social engagements evolving into indicators of social status. For instance, the Indian dowry system, once a gesture of appreciation from the bride’s family to the groom’s, has morphed into a measure of the groom’s status and earning potential. This transformation has led to societal pressures where the groom’s worth is assessed based on material and financial criteria, rather than personal character and integrity.
Arranged marriages, once a means of finding suitable partners, have become platforms for parental bargaining, with families of grooms demanding dowries as a condition for marriage. This shift has reinforced male chauvinism, perpetuating the view of male children as investments and female children as burdens. In extreme cases, families resort to gender-based sex determination and selective abortion of female fetuses, reflecting a disturbing distortion of cultural norms.
In contrast to this machismo culture, the Khasi custom venerates the female child as the source of life and prosperity for the clan. While male children are preferred for their role in defending the family, the eldest daughter holds significant responsibilities within the matrilineal lineage. In Khasi families, the eldest son may assume the role of head maternal uncle and chieftain, while the eldest daughter becomes the chief priestess, and the youngest daughter inherits custodianship of core family properties and responsibilities.
This divergence highlights the complex interplay between economic forces and cultural traditions, shaping societal norms and values in diverse ways. As economies evolve and societies grapple with changing dynamics, the challenge lies in preserving cultural heritage while adapting to the demands of modernity.
Challenges in Contemporary Khasi Society
The present state of Khasi society, particularly in urban areas, is fraught with challenges stemming from the erosion of ancient knowledge systems and cultural values. Christianity, while bringing fragmentation, has also imposed rigid rules that stifle progressive growth and development. Meanwhile, self-seeking pursuits dominate, even within social welfare organizations. Urban elites are inundated with global information, often at the expense of homegrown knowledge and creativity, while rural communities are swayed by shallow gossip and rumors.
In this milieu, the pursuit of extravagant wealth has eclipsed conscience and sympathy, fostering a cutthroat environment where survival of the fittest reigns supreme. Corruption, once taboo, is now normalized and entrenched in societal norms. Customs, traditions, religious beliefs, legislation, and governance are all viewed through the lens of financial gain, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and manipulation by the influential segments of society.
Whereas in the past, tyrants and autocrats dictated governance, religion and politics influenced public affairs, and communalism and militancy shaped public mindset, today, the economy and corruption hold sway over all aspects of life. This confluence of economic interests and corruption represents a formidable challenge to the moral fabric and social cohesion of Khasi society.
The Role of Women and Men in Societal Regeneration
Human nature dictates that individuals are drawn to each other, leading to courtship, relationships, and ultimately marriage. While couples may desire perpetual intimacy, various responsibilities such as caring for relatives, pursuing career opportunities, and nurturing children often take precedence. This can sometimes lead to clashes and conflicts, and in the worst cases, divorce.
Generally, life can be divided into four phases: childhood and adolescence (birth to around 18 years), a phase of affection and intimacy with a partner (around 18-38 years), a period of responsible child-rearing (around 38-58 years), and the remainder of one’s life focused on personal and social well-being.
The reward of life is often determined by one’s actions during the independent period of mature consciousness (from eighteen to sixty years of age). Before and after this period, individuals are typically dependent on family members. Luck and destiny may play a role, but in the Khasi context, divine forces are seen as a composite entity without gender or abstract depiction.
In the regeneration of society, both women and men play crucial roles. Women are often the primary caregivers for children and elders, nurturing the next generation and ensuring the well-being of the family unit. Men, meanwhile, may take on roles as providers and protectors, contributing to the economic stability and security of the family.
However, societal regeneration cannot be achieved through traditional gender roles alone. It requires a recognition of the diverse capabilities and contributions of both women and men. Women should be empowered to pursue education, career opportunities, and leadership roles, while men should be encouraged to embrace caregiving responsibilities and participate fully in household duties.
By breaking down gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality, societies can harness the full potential of all their members, leading to greater social cohesion, economic prosperity, and overall well-being.
The matrilineal system presents an alternative to conventional practices, offering a structured approach to marriage and family dynamics. In this system, married men have specific periods allotted for reproduction and providing sustenance to their families, while the remainder of their time is dedicated to work within their maternal family. This ensures that the man’s children, who belong to another clan, are cared for by their maternal uncles.
With this arrangement, there is minimal opportunity for conflict between the husband and wife, as the man spends most of his time with his maternal family. This also provides a sense of security for the wife, who is under the care and protection of her mother and maternal relatives. She is free to socialize without the constraints imposed by her husband, knowing that her brothers and uncles will defend her if needed.
After fulfilling his duties at his maternal home, the husband spends quality time with his wife and children, fostering a strong familial bond. This balanced approach allows the man to earn respect and appreciation from both his wife’s and his own family.
In essence, the man’s daily routine revolves around his maternal home during the day and his wife and children during the evening and night. This structure minimizes the likelihood of extramarital affairs or other illicit behavior, as the social defense mechanisms are well established within the community. Those who engage in immoral or antisocial behavior may face penalties or even ostracism from the clan and society at large.
Overall, the matrilineal system provides a framework for maintaining familial harmony, social stability, and ethical conduct within the community.
The transition from a patriarchal to a matrilineal system is indeed a formidable task, requiring comprehensive understanding and commitment from various sectors of society. It would necessitate the involvement and endorsement of academia, legislation, and the judiciary to effectively implement such a change. One potential approach could be to conduct phased experiments in certain communities, particularly those undergoing a transition or facing threats from patriarchal systems. Existing matrilineal societies could serve as models for this experimentation.
The patriarchal system has deeply rooted itself in cultures worldwide, permeating every aspect of social, cultural, political, and economic life. Breaking away from this entrenched mindset poses a significant challenge, particularly due to the resistance stemming from male ego. Despite this, it’s crucial to recognize that the creation of life on Earth is fundamentally tied to the female component, with the male’s contribution triggering the process of life.
In the reproductive process, both components play indispensable roles, albeit different ones. Following birth, the mother’s role revolves around care and nourishment, while the father’s involves providing essential necessities and protection. Fathers face challenges in defending and providing for their families, while mothers must exhibit sensitivity and mental strength to nurture their children, often including their husbands.
Mothers tend to admire and appreciate their husbands’ efforts, yet many men fail to acknowledge their wives’ contributions. There’s a prevalent perception among men that women are merely tools for amusement and reproduction, while women often feel compelled to submit to their husbands’ desires. Throughout family life, mothers bear the brunt of suffering and sacrifice, while fathers often receive honors and rewards.
However, it’s important to recognize that such roles and perceptions can be reversed. Some men embody maternal qualities, while some women are unfairly stigmatized as monstrous figures. Addressing these ingrained beliefs and biases is essential for fostering more equitable and respectful relationships between genders.