The extremely poor condition of rural health infrastructure in Garo Hills was once again brought to light after a visit by an NGO, Achik Youth Council (AYC) showed how dilapidated the health sub centre of the village of Rongchandagre under South West Garo Hills (SWGH) was.
The sub centre caters to the villages of Jamangre, Noagre, Bolchugre, Grenggandi beside the village of Rongchandagre and falls under the Mellim PHC in the district.
According to the AYC, the sub centre has been in a poor state since the past few years with there being no water or electricity for the nurses that do their duty there. The sub centre has two nurses that help the villagers during their medical needs.
“The doors and windows have been eaten away by termites, the panes on the windows are broken and the floor is in poor state as are the walls of the centre. Is this how health infrastructure is supposed to look after the people in the rural belt,” said AYC member, Silnang Ch Marak.
He further stated due to the dilapidated state of the centre, the nurses have been facing an enormously difficult time to cater to patients.
“How can a government office, that too a health centre, run without electricity or water. The district administration needs to act on the matter and fast. Do they expect people to be working in such shoddy conditions,” added Marak.
Upon being informed of the poor state of the health centre, the deputy commissioner of SWGH, Ramakrishna S has promised to look into the matter at the earliest.