The Border Security Force (BSF) Meghalaya today concluded its two weeks-long cleanliness drive under the Swachhata Hi Seva campaign, an initiative of the central government, but organising cleanliness events from September 15 to September 30, with special programmes yesterday and today.
During the ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’ (Cleanliness Fortnight), the BSF Meghalaya took the opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to a cleaner and greener India by organising a series of events and activities that showcased the spirit of ‘Swachhata’ among its personnel and the local communities.
Educational programmes and awareness campaigns were organised to spread the message of cleanliness and hygiene. A cleanliness drive was conducted at office premises and adjoining civilian areas as part of Special Campaign 3.0 at all establishments under the BSF Meghalaya Frontier.
Yesterday, border personnel actively participated in a massive cleanliness drive conducted in and around their border outposts, villages and public spaces as part of the outreach programme. “The teams worked diligently to clean up garbage, remove plastic waste and maintain the surroundings,” a press release stated today. “This session also aimed to sensitise the local population about the importance of maintaining a clean environment.”
Today, a Swachhta pledge-taking ceremony was also organised by all establishments under the BSF Meghalaya Frontier with the aim of paying tribute to the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, on his 154th birth anniversary.
Speaking about the event, Inspector General Pradip Kumar said that a clean environment not only enhances the quality of life but also strengthens national security.