Applications are invited from students of Meghalaya who wants to pursue technical education for three AICTE scholarships.
These schemes are the AICTE-Pragati Scholarship Scheme for Girl Students (Degree & Diploma), AICTE- Saksham Scholarship Scheme for Specially- Abled Students (Degree & Diploma) and AICTE- Swanath Scholarship Scheme (Degree & Diploma).
For the AICTE-Pragati Scholarship Scheme for girls, students should be those admitted to first year of Degree or Diploma level courses or second year of Degree or Diploma Course through lateral entry in any of the AICTE Approved Institutions of the current year. A maximum of two girl children per family are allowed to apply and the family income from all sources should not be more than Rs. 8.0 Lakh per annum. A valid income certificate issued by the Competent Authority is required to be enclosed along with the application. The scholarship will be renewed for the next year of study only on receipt of renewal application through the National Scholarship Portal by submitting the Promotion Certificate issued by the Head of Institution. Students failing to get promoted to the next class/level would forfeit the scholarship.
Similarly, for the AICTE- Saksham Scholarship Scheme for Specially Abled Students, applicants should be those admitted to first year of Degree or Diploma level courses or second year of Degree or Diploma Course through lateral entry in any of the AICTE approved Institutions of the current year. Specially Abled Students having disability of not less than 40% are eligible to apply for this scheme. The family income from all sources should not be more than Rs. 8.0 Lakh per annum and a valid income certificate issued by the Competent Authority is required to be enclosed along with the application.
The scholarship will be renewed for the next year of study only on receipt of renewal application through the National Scholarship Portal by submitting the Promotion Certificate issued by the Head of Institution. Students failing to get promoted to the next class/level would forfeit the scholarship.
With regards to the AICTE-Swanath Scholarship Scheme (Degree & Diploma), candidates must be orphans or either or both Parents have died due to Covid-19 or those who are Wards of Armed Forces and Central Parliamentary Forces martyred in action (Shaheed). Applicants should not be recipients of any Central Government or State Government or any of the AICTE Sponsored scholarships. The candidate should be currently studying in AICTE Approved Institutions and courses at Degree or Diploma level in regular mode (in 1st, 2nd, 3rdor 4th year). Family income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 8.0 Lakh per annum and a valid income certificate issued by the Competent Authority is required to be enclosed along with the application.
Students desiring to apply for the above-mentioned Scholarship Schemes are to apply for the same via online mode through the URL Print outs of duly filled-in application forms are also to be submitted to the respective institutions along with all supporting documents. Only online applications are accepted and no request for offline application will be entertained.
The last date for submitting of application forms for the schemes is December 31.