Governor Satya Pal Malik has taken over the administration of the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC) from today, appointing the Commissioner of Division, Garo Hills, as the Administrator for the next six months or until the election of MDCs to the new house.
The term of the current crop of MDCs was to end on October 18. However, due the pandemic situation in the country elections could not be held. Administrator’s Rule in the GHADC became a necessity after the state government refused to extend the term of the current MDCs. Elections are expected to take place in the next six months.
The order confirming the taking over by the Governor was informed today through the District Council Affairs Commissioner and Secretary, A Mawlong.
In his capacity as the administrator, the Commissioner of Division, Garo Hills, will exercise all functions and powers of the executive committee, the Chief Executive Member, Deputy CEM, Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Executive Members of the GHADC, subject to such direction as may be issued by the Governor from time to time.