The Meghalaya Police have urged members of the public to come forward if they receive ransom demands from individuals claiming to be from outlawed militant groups.
In a press release today Assistant Inspector General of Police GK Iangrai said that the police have received reports that “several ransom calls demanding money from individuals have been made by unknown miscreants claiming to be members of proscribed outfits”. Fearing what will happen if they do not pay up, several people have paid ransoms and the phone calls have also created trepidation among them.
Iangrai urged the public not to succumb to such demands made “by miscreants who are trying to take advantage of the peaceful situation” and instead report the phone calls to the police. He also warned that making payments to banned groups is illegal.
Members of the public who receive ransom demands can approach the nearest police station or contact the police through their social media handles.
“Identity of the informant will not be disclosed and will be treated with strict confidentiality,” Iangrai concluded.