Hundred eighty-nine police officers, belonging to Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam have passed out of North Eastern Police Academy on successful completion of 51st batch of basic course.
The Dikshant Parade (Passing out Parade) was held at the Parade Ground of the Academy Campus at Umsaw Village in Ri Bhoi District today. Altogether there were 25 Deputy Superintendent of Police comprising of Nagaland- two Dy. SP, Tripura – eight Dy. SP and Arunachal Pradesh – 15 Dy. SP and 164 Sub Inspectors from the states of Tripura – 1 SI, Arunachal Pradesh – 94 SI, Assam – 69 SI (APRO Communication). Of the 189 trainees, 12 were lady officers in this batch.
The training started on April 18, 2022. These officers underwent a very well researched and planned basic training. As per basic training module these trainees were trained in indoor subjects viz Police Science, Legal Studies and Social Science and in the outdoor, training was imparted on Drill, Weapons Training, Physical Efficiency, Police Operations and Tactics. Specialised inputs were given on Disaster Management, First Aids and Motor Vehicle Driving.
A short module on jungle camp was also organised where they carried out cordon and search operations, ambush and counter ambush, raid, seizure etc. The trainees have been imparted with essential skills, knowledge and required aptitude to deliver their best once they join active service.
In a bid to build a well-rounded personality and promote camaraderie, team spirit and sportsmanship, the trainees were encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities through various clubs like Extempore and Debate club, Photography ClubQuiz Club, Sports Club, Social Service Club, Literary Club and IT Club. They enthusiastically took part in various club activities.
Besides successful completion of the basic training, the trainees also participated in Post Graduate Diploma in “Police Administration and Investigation” from Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice, Jodhpur.
Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Ajay Kumar Mishra reviewed the parade and distributed the trophies and medals awarded to trainees for their individual performance during the training period.
In his address, he congratulated the officers and lauded the efforts of NEPA and Director Deepak Kumar for his relentless efforts in maintaining the prestige of the institute.
“The Officers who are here at the Passing out parade have laid out a path for themselves. They have completed their training here and each trainee is thrilled of the fact that they are going to contribute to the nation”, he added.
He praised the efforts of the police forces across the country and said that the force are known for their diligence and they have effectively been assisting the citizens from preserving law and order to solving crimes, from assistance in disaster management to fighting natural calamity.
The minister said that the trainees have been imparted with essential skills, knowledge and the required aptitude to deliver their best once they join active service. “Research, spiritual as well as physical training have been given to the trainees here. This will aid in the work field. Their role has also become quite a challenge with the advent of AI and the digital world as a whole”, he added.
The minister further cited examples of India’s philanthropic aid for foreign countries. He said, “India has been able to retain its position in the global map. Our country is known for its compassion as we helped other nations in their needs. Be it Sri Lanka, Nepal or Türkiye, India has been there whenever they needed our help”.
Since its inception in 1978, NEPA has conducted 50 basic courses and 4456 trainees have passed out. With this, a total of 4645 Basic Course trainees (788 DySP and 3668SI/ASI have passed out of NEPA in the past 45 years of existence.