The state unit of the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) has accused the Meghalaya government and Education Department in particular of failing the students of Jaiñtia Hills who were seeking higher secondary places.
The matter of the 144 students had been raised with the LJP by the Jaiñtia Youth Federation last month. Despite the pressure group highlighting the issue with the government there has still been no action, LJP state president Jamil Ahmed said in a release today.
The students have reportedly been unable to secure admission due to a paucity of seats.
Ahmed has requested the Chief Minister to accommodate the students as the children’s future is paramount.
On Wednesday, members of the Jaiñtia Youth Federation and Jaiñtia Students Movement had organised a protest march to demand admission for the students in the Kiang Nangbah Government College. However, four of the members were removed and detained by the police.