According to the amendment, only Mawpat village, with around 5,000 voters, which was earlier under Mawlai constituency, has been added to Mawkhar-Pynthorumkhrah constituency while the recommendation to add Mawlai Mawroh to Jaiaw from Mawlai was rejected by the select committee after residents objected to it.
Syiem said that the number of voters in Nongstoin has been rationalised but nothing much could be done in urban constituencies like Laban-Mawprem or Jaiawm, though Malki-Laitumkhrah has seen some sort of rationalisation; Cleve Colony, Risa Colony and Tripura Castle, which were under Nongthymmai constituency, have been added to Laitumkhrah-Malki.
Umsawli, Lyngkein and Mawser villages, which were earlier under Laitumkhrah-Malki, have now been added to Mawkhar-Pynthorumkhrah.
Lumdorbar, Lumsohphoh, Mynsain and Kynjatphutbol, which were earlier under Laitumkhrah-Malki, have been added to Laban-Mawprem.
Lumshngain, formerly within Laitumkhrah-Malki, has now been brought under Nongthymmai.
Mawkasiang, Mawdiangdiang, Mawlong, Seisiej, Lumkseh and Lumdiengsai villages, all of which were under Laitumkhrah-Malki, are now part of Sohryngkham.
Nongrim Hills (ex-Laitumkhrah-Malki) will now be part of Nongthymmai constituency.