Meghalaya police has confirmed that there is indeed a regrouping of the once-feared Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA) in Garo Hills region and three persons have been arrested in a crackdown that was launched soon after reports surfaced this month.
The arrested persons are Singsan K Marak, Tilja Sangma and Surya Sangma.
North Garo Hills Superintendent of Police (SP) Bruno A Sangma said seven to eight persons are involved to regenerate the militant group.
Singsan is a former United Achik Liberation Army (UALA) militant who was rehabilitated, the SP said, adding that he is also wanted by Assam in other cases.
Once the investigation in Meghalaya is over, he will be handed over to Assam.
It may be mentioned that a press release went viral on social media that the GNLA was reformed on February 7. It was signed by one Goera Pantora Sangma, who claims to be the chairman of the newly named GNLA-Regroup.
The SP said soon after reports of the regrouping, on February 24 an FIR was lodged in Kharkutta PS, about an extortion.
Based on the complaint police launched, an investigation leading to the arrest of the three persons. No arms were seized.