As a Catholic in Meghalaya I have observed that many young Catholics no longer respect or believe in the significant truth of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life as it truly has the actual presence of Jesus Christ. The question arises as to why this is happening. Have Catholic’s forgotten that God is present in the Holy Eucharist?
Take for example during mass people would rather take a phone call and walk out of the mass than fully participating in it. Dear Catholics, would we dare to take a phone call if we were having a meeting with the prime minister. I bet we would not. So why do we belittle Jesus Christ our God so much.
Also during the biggest annual celebration of the Eucharist the procession held in Cathedral Parish in Laitumkhrah during the second week of November people from all around come to celebrate dressed in their Sunday’s best yet when they get tired they take of their shoes and hold it in their hands which in Indian cultural is seen as impure and how can we worship with those same dirty hands. Just look at the Old Testament, the Levi’s used to wash their hands before entering the temple to purify themselves before coming in the presence of the Arch (God). Why do we forget that Jesus Christ deserves all the respect we can offer and much more.
Let’s not forget dear Catholics that we are worshipping a living God and we should act like it. Not only purifying ourselves from the outside but also from the inside through the Sacrament of Confession. We must be careful when receiving the Eucharist on Sundays or daily masses. We must remember and believe that the bread is God himself not a symbol or representation because Jesus Christ died in order for us to have the Eucharist. It’s a gift that we get from Him.
I would urge my dear Catholics to respect Jesus Christ especially in the Eucharist and visit him in adoration as much as possible. How can a body that is impure and tainted by the dirt or wrong mentality go and accept the body of Christ. As Meghalaya has lost the tag of education hub of the North East, if our faith continues in such a manner we will also be losing the claim as a Christian majority state.
Balaaihun Mary Ryntathiang