The vibrant and spirited Durga Puja festivities in Meghalaya reached a grand conclusion as thousands of devoted Hindus came together for the symbolic immersion of the idols of Goddess Durga.
In grand processions, people from all walks of life walked alongside ornately decorated lorries carrying the idols of Goddess Durga from various pandals in Shillong and Nongpoh. The idols were destined to be immersed in the holy waters of the immersion ghat at Polo Ground and Byrnihat respectively.
In Nongpoh, as the Durga Puja festivities concluded, the Hindu community marked this auspicious occasion by immersing the goddess’s idol in the Byrnihat River. During this celebratory period, the members of organising puja celebration committees expressed the hope that this festival would infuse the lives of all participants with the vibrant colours of happiness and prosperity, spreading joy and contentment to their loved ones.
Furthermore, they also extended their heartfelt gratitude to the entire community and the district administration for their unwavering support throughout the Durga Puja celebrations.
In closing, they urged everyone to maintain peace and harmony within the community, fostering an environment in which all can flourish in their respective walks of life.