The Khasi Students Union (KSU) of West Jaiñtia Hills has demanded that Border Security Force (BSF) personnel be removed from the Jowai to Amlarem-Muktapur Road stretch as they are harassing members of the public.
KSU members met Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong on this issue and told reporters that it has received several complaints from the public.
The pressure group claimed that private vehicles, especially those coming from War Jaiñtia near the international border, are always stopped by the BSF and the occupants asked to prove with receipts that the goods they have with them were properly purchased.
One of the duties the BSF is tasked with is to prevent cross-border smuggling between India and Bangladesh.
Worse than this, the KSU said, is that the BSF sometimes ask the people they have stopped to unload all their goods bought in the market for checking, which results in great inconvenience.
Tynsong, the KSU said, promised that the Deputy Commissioner will remove the BSF from the area.
Meanwhile the group also raised the matter of repairs to the Jowai Bypass with Tynsong, who also holds the Public Works Department (Roads) portfolio.
Tynsong reportedly said that the work order has been issued and work will soon begin.
Small vehicles find it near impossible to use the bypass due to deplorable road conditions and instead have to use the much better Jowai route, which then adds to that town’s traffic problems.