Shillong, May 10: The Border Security Force (BSF) Meghalaya conducted an awareness programme yesterday focusing on the prevention of rabies and the identification of the disease’s symptoms at the Muktapur community hall, in West Jaintia Hills.
Recently, two cases of rabies were reported in the Muktapur area, one from Lakro Basti and the other from Muktapur. Both were evacuated by BSF troops to Shillong Civil Hospital by BSF ambulance, a release said today.
During the programme, Dr Prajwal, from the veterinary department of Sector HQ Jowai, educated the local community about the consequences of rabies and the essential measures for its prevention. Dr Prajwal focused on the importance of timely vaccinations, responsible pet ownership and immediate medical attention in case of animal bites.
The event witnessed the presence of the local BSF Company Commander, villagers and Dr Seiboklang Buam from the Muktapur Veterinary Hospital.