As catastrophes plunge and tighten their noose around humanity, the world sinks into utter disastrous lifeless form. The Wayanad natural disaster caused by a massive landslide shows how man is combative with nature and his tryst with destiny. The geographical landscape of Wayanad and the tropical enamel brings about nature’s own vicious cycle of inflicting disaster on man.
Man is destined to govern, conquer and subjugate his ambition over the beasts, nature and universe. The lesson from Wayanad is that the life of humanity is closely endangered by natural hazards caused by man’s selfishness. Man patches up the desire of harming nature over the rule of finding true beauty and how man should be indebted to nature. It is a biosphere truth that man cannot survive without the ecosystem.
British anthrophony Herbert Spencer’s voice tells us that nature and man are always in an approachable togetherness of their needs. The lives being so tragically shattered in the midst of such a grave calamity at Wayanad also brought an unprecedented death toll. Amid this tragedy it should not be forgotten of bravehearts who really deserve a big salute in this hour for doing their best in rescuing human lives and trying to bring back the haven of peace and tranquility.
(The writer is a Kerala-based columnist and poet)