The Rs 59 crore meant for SSA teachers, which was sent by the central government to the Meghalaya government, has not been disbursed yet because of the current holiday season, Education Minister Lahkmen Rymbui said today.
SSA teachers, numbering more than 12,000, have gone without salaries for the past five months.
Meanwhile, when asked about the recurring impasse between the educators and the state, Rymbui said that the Meghalaya government is keen to arrive at a long-term solution to address the problem but said that it is such a complicated issue that it may take ages to address.
Speaking to the press today, the minister said that it is not simple for the state to regularise the services of the SSA teachers as their recruitment was not directly handled by the state.
“It is not a question of simple regularisation. It is up to the state government and we will see how to solve the issue,” Rymbui stated. “It is not a simple issue. It is a major decision and we will have to study its long-term impact. It is easy to say ‘yes’ but to implement it is not.”