BJP Rajya Sabha MP, Rakesh Sinha, on Monday said that a museum cum laboratory should be built in Kongthong, which is known to outsiders, somewhat erroneously, as the ‘whistling village’.
He said that visitors to the area should spend time at the museum and understand what it is all about.
“The museum cum lab should house various voices and sounds. The museum will study the cultural heritage of Kongthong and nearby villages. It should also study the history of this tradition, its impact, and use of this tradition and how it perpetuated and how it can be strengthened,” Sinha said during a programme held in the village.
The Rajya Sabha MP said that he would discuss this with various ministries.
Sinha also said that in future Kongthong should also contact Ku?köy village in Turkey where a similar tradition exists.
“We will make a comparison between them, how they are similar, how they are different. How long their tradition has been,” he added.
Sinha also said that Kongthong is an attraction for the entire world. “It is in the lap of nature. I see that basically Mother Nature is in Kongthong,” he added.
On Monday, Sinha laid a foundation stone for a gate at the entrance of the village that will act like a checkgate to control the number of visitors. He also inaugurated public toilets for the benefit of the villagers.
Sinha, who has adopted the village, has been working towards providing whatever personal assistance he can.
The Ministry of Tourism has nominated Kongthong for the World Tourism Organization’s “Best Tourism Villages” award along with two other villages in the country.
Sohra MLA Gavin Mylliem and Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council Chief Executive Member Titosstarwell Chyne were also present on the occasion.