Created by George Lucas, Star Wars was not just a movie but an expansion across all facets, during the 80s former US President Ronald Reagan wanted to usher the world under the Strategic Defence Initiative, a program using lasers and space based missile systems to tip the balance against the Soviet Union.
It is a moment in history for Meghalaya to host the G20 summit stressing on ‘space economy’. Top agencies such as ISRO and NESAC leading the frontier to the heavens with the aim of solving areas such as climate change, encouraging youngsters to embark on joint missions with foreign nations, predicting weather patterns among others.
North East India with its myriad of problems in areas of agriculture to natural disasters would gain through interactions, sharing of ideas and involvement of entrepreneurs to promote the preservation of endangered ecosystems.
A 1988 book Cosmic Catastrophes by astronomer David Morrison stands testament to the mysteries of the solar system and what it has in store for us.
Christopher Gatphoh,
Laitkor Rngi,