The Meghalaya BJP has released its manifesto for the upcoming elections to the two district councils in Meghalaya with a pledge to regulate and implement mining practices within six months in compliance with a Supreme Court order.
The manifesto promises to ensure financial stability for all the district councils and creation of a dedicated cell or department within the district councils to encourage investments and create business opportunities, especially for unemployed youth in rural areas, in collaboration with traditional leaders.
It also promises to introduce a transparent recruitment policy for all positions within the district councils.
The BJP plans to expedite pending matters at the Ministry to increase the number of district council members, including nominated members. With a proposed amendment to raise the total number of members to 40—of which five will be nominated—the party aims to ensure that one nominated member will be a Syiem in the KHADC and a Doloi in the JHADC.
It also emphasize on the empowerment of traditional leaders such as Syiem, Doloi, Sordar, and Rangbah Shnong by providing a monthly honorarium and financial assistance of Rs 2,000 per month to registered local domestic workers, taxi drivers, widows, single mothers, and labourers. This assistance will be facilitated through the dorbar shnong in collaboration with the centre, the party said.
Additionally, the manifesto outlines a commitment to promoting tourism through the “Vocal for Local” initiative, which aims to showcase the state’s crafts and culture. The party has proposed strengthening traditional healing practices with support from the AYUSH Ministry and establishing a central monitoring body for central schemes, including grievance redressal mechanisms.
The manifesto also addresses environmental concerns by proposing scientific solid waste management within Syiemship or Dolloiship jurisdictions, to be administered by local bodies with full council support.