The statement of Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong that what more the State government can do for the people is a very wrong way of shirking his responsibilities akin to Pontius Pilate washing his hands on a bowl of water.
Instead of asking people to change their food eating habits, it would have been more prudent for Tynsong and his government who we elected to provide economic financial reliefs to micro-enterprises suffering from the lockdown.
The MDA coalition government should deduct at least 15 per cent to 20 per cent of basic salary from Grade-A officers, but especially from political appointees who serve no purpose at all. Conrad Sangma as Chief Minister should formulate allocating Rs 1 crore out of the Rs 2 crore MLA scheme from each of the 60 MLAs towards building a dedicated super speciality hospital catering to weaker sections of society. The remaining Rs 1 crore should be channeled towards relief and rehabilitation measures that should be handed over according to the list of BPL households of the State.
The State under the National Health Mission with a number of vacancies in various PHCs and CHCs should start a recruitment drive for doctors and nurses who many from our State are working in Assam and elsewhere provided with an assurance of retrenchment. If the politicians of this State who have been elected are serious then they should show more of their actions and not mere sympathetic words.