The Meghalaya High Court has directed the Superintendent of Police, East Khasi Hills to instruct the Officer in-Charge of Mawsynram Police Station to place a picket of police personnel at Mawjymbuin Cave for maintenance of security in area.
The order was passed by the High Court after it has further been brought to the notice of the court that “certain persons and entities have been active in spreading falsehood and threats with regard to the use of the holy place”.
The High Court also warned of appropriate action against any person or group that spread propaganda or fake information on the matter related to Mawjymbuin Cave.
“It is put to general information that in the event such further falsehood is spread, appropriate action will be taken by this court immediately on the same being taken notice of. To avoid any untoward incidents, it is directed that the Superintendent of Police, East Khasi Hills District to instruct the Officer in Charge, Mawsynram to place a picket of police personnel for maintenance of security in the said area,” the court said.