The ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, West Garo Hills organised a field day on toria var.TS-67 today under Cluster Front Line Demonstration (CFLD)-Oilseed.
The demonstration programme was conducted in Haripur, Namabila and Garodubi villages under Selsella block covering an area of 30 ha with 87 beneficiaries in rabi season 2024-25.
The field day was conducted by Dr. Tarun Kr Das, SMS (Agril. Extension), along with N. Arunkumar Singh, SMS (SWCE) and Priyanka Saha, SMS (Agronomy) of ICAR, KVK, Tura, who interacted with 56 farmers.
In the programme, variety TS-67 was popularised and observed better yield than the local variety cultivated in the village. The programme was conducted at the harvesting stage of the crop and with an objective to create awareness and motivate other farmers of the neighbouring villages.