The International Women’s Day celebrated on 8th March is a universal day for all women around the world. It endows them with a sense of honour, dignity and self-respect for being the person that they are. This day marks the celebration of the economic, social, cultural and political achievements made by women over the years.
WOMAN: The origin of a child is a mother, a woman…She shows a man what loving, caring and sharing is all about. Indeed a woman’s essence lies in her innate ability to care, love and sacrifice for others.
She plays an all-enveloping character of a mother, a daughter, wife and sister as a friend, nurturer, guide and a partner from time to time. Emotional and vulnerable, sometimes erratic, sometimes serene, she displays a wonderful range of emotions from being patient to being extremely courageous in times of crisis, orientated and subjugated throughout all times and ages, women have fought their way. In spite of continuing exploitation and injustice against women both in the domestic and work sector today, several milestones have been achieved in terms of freedom of choice and liberty, equality etc. With growing literacy and financial independence women feel more empowered today to assert their right to a life of dignity and self-worth.
Celebration: International Women’s Day was created to inspire women throughout the world to work towards equality. The day is commemorated at the United Nations and celebrated in Nations around the globe.
Women’s Day in India: In a country like ours where society is marred by heinous crimes against women, including rape, dowry, deaths, female infanticide etc, the International Women’s Day holds a special significance. In India too therefore, women’s day is celebrated with great fervour. Several women’s organisations, NGO’s, students and social activists participate actively by organising seminars, mass rallies, movie and documentary shows, staging of gender sensitive plays, theatre and so on.
Several government and civil society initiatives like girl child education, reservation of seats in local Panchayats, etc have led to empowering the Indian woman today. However, much more still needs to be addressed to make women equal citizens both in the public and private domain. The International Women’s Day thus serves as a reminder of how much we have achieved and how much more still needs to be done.
Where do women stand?: The role of women in society has become significant and has started recognition. We living in the 21st century see that women are moving shoulder to shoulder with men and coming forward and progressing in all key areas and fields. Still there are certain people who believe that women can never be equal to men and it is still the man who dominates throughout life.
Legend: International Women’s Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history, it is rooted in the centuries old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with me. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war, during the French Revolution. Parisian women calling for “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” however marched on Versailles to demand women’s suffrage.
The idea of an International Women’s Day first arose at the turn of the century which in the industrialised world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies.
As the day is remembrance to great women for their outstanding achievements that are indefinable, let’s have a feel at their feats. In our State we also had women who played certain roles in society and even hold a good designation in the State. I would like to name few of them whom I come across Phidalia Toi (Chairperson of Meghalaya State Commission for Women), Isawanda Laloo (IAS officer), Ampareen Lyngdoh (Member of the Legislative Assembly), Patricia Mukhim (Editor of The Shillong Times, activist and writer), Victory Kharsyntiew (Founder of the first English Medium School in Nongkrem in 1985 which is presently known as Pahsyntiew Memorial Secondary School, Nongkrem).
As a remembrance of today’s International Women’s Day, I am immensely happy to pick up one of the names of Madam Victory Kharsyntiew. She has become my role model who inspired me a lot towards positivity in life. The most remarkable thing about her is her multi-facet involvement in society. A mother of four children as well as an educationist, she loves to pursue her dreams in bringing the changes in the community towards the betterment of each and every student’s life to have a bright future. She has also received a National Award in the year 2013 in recognition of valuable services to the community as a teacher of outstanding merit. But personally, I have seen her for the love of education is at the zenith. During the course of her life, she has faced many challenges which would have daunted any man. She stands strong with her head held with a vision to build a bright future for every student coming from different backgrounds.
With few words, Madam Victory Kharsyntiew can be described as a woman with a mission and vision, a dynamic leader, tactful and brave, a good administrator, a woman of strong character and determination and a God-fearing woman
Conclusion: A message to all the women, she is superior to a man, as a mother. She’s respectable like a saint. She is precious like an expensive pearl and she is honourable like a delicate rose.