Film maker and social activist Tarun Bhartiya 54, passed away on Saturday morning after he suffered a heart attack.
He was taken to Woodland Hospital where he passed away.
Bhartiya was a documentary image-maker, a Hindi poet, and an activist based in Shillong. As an editor he has worked on notable award-winning films.
He was a founder member of alt-space, an independent cultural and political space in Shillong.
He has been a consultant on the British Library Endangered Archives Project and research consultant to The Northeast India Audio Visual Archive in Shillong. His photographs and image essays have been published widely.
Bhartiya’s poems and their translations have appeared in various anthologies. Given his experience, he is best placed to be the Coordinator of this Foundation Project of India Foundation for the Arts.
His website raiot is a mirror on the society, culture and tradition.
He is survived by his wife Angela Rangad, daughter and two sons.