A capacity building cum awareness programme was held for Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) of Umsning and Umling blocks in Ri Bhoi for ensuring successful implementation of the seventh operational phase of the Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP-SGP-OP7).
The UNDP project is on “Conservation of indigenous species and regeneration of community lands for sustainable livelihood in Meghalaya.”
The programme was organised yesterday by the Meghalaya Biodiversity Board in collaboration with the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore and Meghalaya Integrated Mountain Development Initiative (MIMDI), Shillong.
MIMDI Secretary Dr. Subhasish Das Gupta threw light on the project objectives and how BMCs hold the key to the successful implementation of such community based projects. He highlighted the key findings from the baseline survey conducted in all these project villages and the overriding importance of capacity building of the BMC members and the awareness to ensure protection and conservation of village biodiversity. He spoke about afforestation and ex-situ conservation of plant species as being objectives of this project.
Forest Consultant and member of the UNDP Project Dr. Mohan Varghese spoke about the need for quality planting material for nursery development and NTFP rich species for a better livelihood base. He outlined the importance of BMCs in keeping track of their own biodiversity and in understanding the effects of climate change.
Senior Scientist of the board Dr. Evanoreen Khongwir informed that there are 6484 BMCs being created in Meghalaya for the protection of village level biodiversity, traditional knowledge and sustainable livelihood. She made a detailed presentation on the People’s Biodiversity Register (PBRs) and the need for regular updation. She urged the BMC members to document and conserve endangered and medicinal plants.
Others who spoke at the capacity building programme as resource persons were Zoya Kharmalki and Ri Bhoi Social Forestry Division ACF S. Mawlong.
A demonstration of techniques involved in Oyster mushroom cultivation was also conducted during the programme.
Principal Investigator for the UNDP project Dr. Abdul Kareem, and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests TTC Marak were also present at the programme.