The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has now opened doors for the inclusion of professionals with domain expertise at the Joint Secretary and other senior-level ranks in government departments. Lately, the applications for lateral entry came for at least 45 posts of Joint Secretary, Director and Deputy Secretary in 24 Central ministries. This is the biggest proposed lateral entry of bureaucrats in the government machinery since 2018. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on August 17 issued an advertisement on Saturday, notifying about the vacancy for 45 domain experts in the rank and pay of Joint Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries and Directors. Out of 45, ten experts will be hired as Joint Secretaries while the rest will be ‘absorbed’ into the ranks of directors or deputy secretaries across ministries including finance, electronics, agriculture, environment, and renewable energy.
The government’s move not only seeks to bring expertise and domain specific knowledge into the system but also to align the bureaucracy with the ‘market forces’. Notably, the lateral entry in governance was introduced about five years ago to bring in professionals from outside the traditional civil services. At least 12 professionals with expertise in respective sectors were inducted into government service in 2019 and 2021. In the last few years, a total of 63 appointments have reportedly been made through lateral entry out of which 35 were sourced from the private sector. The latest batch of lateral recruitment is seen as the biggest move to reform the bureaucracy by tapping in external talent. At the same time, the drive to recruit 45 senior officers through lateral mode has led to political sparring. The Opposition has accused the government of belittling the country’s ‘steel frame’ while also undermining the reservation system.
Lateral entry is the induction of private sector specialists in government departments on a contract basis for a period of three years. This contract can be extended up to five years based on the candidate’s performance. Reservation or caste-based quotas do not apply to these recruitments. According to the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training, there is a need for about 1,500 IAS officers. This gap can be bridged with lateral entry. It will help change the way the government bureaucrats think. People say that bureaucratic culture is to blame for the status quo, red tape, and following the rules to the letter. Lateral entry helps the government make the public sector work better and more efficiently. Lateral entry can have its benefits as long as there is proper consideration and planning into the hiring process and appropriate changes are made in the current bureaucracy. It is essential to select the right people in a manner that is manifestly transparent.