The Voice of the People Party (VPP) has filed two First Information Reports (FIR) with the East Khasi Hills Superintendent of Police (SP) Rirturaj Ravi over social media posts which according to them is an attack on the party as well as defames the reputation of its president Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit.
The FIRs were filed by VPP’s election agent Danny Langstieh.
In one of the FIR, Langstieh stated that a Facebook Account/ Page by the name of Ardent Miller, +9856622858″ was created by some unknown persons with the admin name of said page as “Satar Ba Pawnam”.
In the said Facebook Account Page a statement was published which reads as “KA SUR U MYNDIE JAKA RI KA JAITBYNRIEW”.
The VPP stated that it has come to the notice of the party that certain unknown persons are commenting “HA U PRAH” (VPP symbol) in obituary sections of various social media platforms of local news channels.
“By such publication and posting of the aforesaid statements in the public domain, aspersions and vilification has been cast upon the President of The Voice of the People Party who is also the elected Member of Meghalaya Legislative Assembly and it is noteworthy to mention that such statements and publication ware made with the sole intent of defaming, maligning, insulting and spreading false, concocted and fabricated information to the public at large,” the VPP lection agent stated in the FIR.
Langstieh also stated that the statements and comments made in the said Facebook Account/Page and obituary sections amounts to criminal offences and has damage the reputation as well as the image of a well renowned political and public representative of the State and the Voice of the People Party as a whole and this complaint is being made seeking immediate registration of the First Information Report under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and also under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 or under any other applicable laws.
In another FIR, the VPP stated that in a recently released video interview of Father Richard Majaw, a priest of the Catholic Church “”KA ELEKSHON KAM DEI BAN LONG KA JINGWANRAH IA JINGIAPHER NIAM, ONG FR. RICHARD” (Elections should not bring communal feelings among people, father Richard says), certain unsavoury remarks were made by a few individuals in the comment section by taking the name of the symbol of the VPP – Prah.
VPP election agent, Langstieh stated that by posting of the aforesaid comment in the public domain, aspersions and vilification has been cast upon the VPP as a whole and may it be mentioned that such condemnable comments has defamed, slander, asperse and attack the good name and reputation of this well known recognised state party.
“The said comments in the said YouTube channel has damage the reputation as well as the image of this well renowned political party of the State and this complaint is being made seeking immediate registration of this First Information Report under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and also under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 or under any other applicable laws,” he stated in the FIR.
He urged the police to apprehend the culprits and punish them in accordance with law.