The state nodal agency (SNA) of the Megha Health Insurance Scheme (MHIS) has received two prestigious awards in recognition for its outstanding performance at the ‘Arogya Manthan 2023’ event hosted by the Centre’s National Health Authority in New Delhi.
The SNA Meghalaya was conferred with the two awards in the best performing state category for small states. These include Ayushman Utkrishtata Award 2023 for highest number of treatments (October 2022 to September 2023) and Ayushman Utkrishtata Award 2023 for gender equity in service delivery (October 2022 to September 2023).
The SNA is responsible for administering healthcare services under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PMJAY) in Meghalaya.
The ‘Arogya Manthan 2023’ event served as an occasion to commemorate the five-year journey of the AB PMJAY program, which has been providing comprehensive healthcare services to millions of beneficiaries since its launch on September 23, 2018.