The public rally of political parties is merely a waste of time and money and has contributed to nothing to the development of the State. In fact, Meghalaya is a poor State and majorly constituted the poor and underprivileged section, such rallies can only affect the daily wages of poor communities. To a certain extent, it does not contribute to the economy nor improve the standard of living.
In my opinion, these kinds of public rallies hosted by various political parties for canvassing elections should be limited to a few selected people, and let the media propagate their ideologies and promises they want to deliver to the masses.
Let us know a basic economy of basic math calculation and let’s take the example of a VPP rally which was held recently. Let’s just say, 3000 people attended the meeting/rally. Each individual could have earned a minimum wage of Rs 300 per day. If we go by that math, the money collected on that particular day would be Rs 9,00,000. This total amount must have been floated in the market to contribute to the economy of the State but it has gone down to the drain of the rally.
The calculation above is just for an example with minimum wages. But, in today’s world of expensive things, most individuals were earning wages of the range of Rs 500 – Rs 2000 per day and if we go by this calculation, the wasteful amount would be huge. So, isn’t it the right time to pursue this?
Nang-oo Sari
West Jaintia Hills