The Sub-Divisional Officer of Pynursla civil sub-division has invited applications for fair price shop dealerships for the 2023-27 period.
Terms of existing shops will expire on December 31, 2022.
Application forms should be recommended by the respective legal headman and for rural areas to be recommended by the respective Block Development Officer, affixed with a court fee stamp of Rs 25. Other documents to be submitted include photocopies of ST certificate or permanent resident certificate of Meghalaya, EPIC of Meghalaya, Aadhaar Card, bank passbook, mobile number, two recent passport size photos and resolution of the Village Dorbar and Vigilance Committee constituted for the year 2023-2027.
Applicants should be residents of Meghalaya and should be resident of the centre applied for a minimum of 10 years and should have the recommendation letter from the local village authority and vigilance committee. He or she should be a literate person and should not be the headman or village secretary or a member of the executive committee of the village/centre applied for.
Prescribed application forms are available in the SDO’s office during office hours and the last date of submission of filled-up forms is October 28, 2022.