A master stroke or a political craft whatever we may call it. The exit of 12 MLAs from the Congress to join the TMC was an expected play considering the very fact that not all was well in the overall functioning of the AICC in appointing various office bearers in crucial positions and the appointment of Vincent Pala as MPCC President was done in an undemocratic manner throwing away all the rules of the party to the wind.
The remarks and statement of Pala on the CLP leader Dr. Mukul Sangma in spite of being in the same boat was unprecedented as well as surprising. If personal issues take over professionalism it does not bode for any organisation.
Another factor is that too much importance was being given to inexperienced people with the notion being floated that anyone who wanted to be part of the current Congress team would have to have money. Money is not everything, it throws all ethics aside.
However, TMC will surely be the determining party to shape the 2024 elections and Mamata Banerjee’s humble background along with her political sagacity as a leader to take everyone along speaks well of a person that this nation needs.
Hope the wind of change would usher in better for the State or else we are damned.