The Hynñiewtrep Border Dispute Redressal Forum (HBDRF) today passed the blame to the State government for the absence of any witnesses at the hearing conducted by Justice (retd) Rumi Rumari Phukan Commission here on August 7 on the Mukroh firing incident.
It may be mentioned that the Justice Phukan inquiry commission which is probing the circumstances that led to the Mukroh firing incident has closed its hearing for Meghalaya side as none of the witnesses either from Mukroh or the State government came to give evidence or statement before the panel.
“We have seen the statement of the inquiry commission constituted by Assam, wherein it has expressed dissatisfaction because the government of Meghalaya has failed to produce witnesses, documents, etc to the commission with reference to the Mukroh incident. The commission has said that no one from Meghalaya came forward to depose before the commission in the last three hearings. Now the State government has to clarify this allegation so that the people of Meghalaya will know the approach of the government to ensure justice to the family of the deceased victims,” HBDRF chairman Chandame Sungoh said at a press conference here today.
Sungoh also said that the Meghalaya government has also constituted a one-man inquiry commission headed by Justice (retd) T Vaiphei and this commission has taken statements from both Meghalaya and Assam and people of Mukroh.
“With the current scenario of two commissions preparing their own reports which might also justify their own stand, then which report will be accepted is a question. Therefore, in the fairness of investigation and justice we suggest that the reports be allowed to be verified by the central independent agency,” he added.
The Justice Phukan commission had informed about the hearing in a local English newspaper on August 4 and requested interested and willing persons having knowledge of the incident to give evidence before the commission.
The Meghalaya government was also notified and requested to produce all the relevant witnesses and documents before the commission, as a last instance.
Further the Deputy Commissioner, West Jaiñtia Hills was also directed to serve notice upon the relevant witnesses to appear before the commission at the hearing.
But there was no response from the government side and none appeared to record their statement.
Expressing concern over the lack of response from the witnesses from Mukroh and from the Meghalaya government on the matter, the commission today informed that it has closed the hearing from Meghalaya side and returned back to Guwahati.
It may be recalled that a firing incident on November 22, 2022 by the Assam police in Mukroh village killed six people, including an Assam forest guard, and injured two others.
The dead include Thal Shadap (45), Sik Talang (55), Chirup Sumer (40), Tal Nartiang (40), and Nikhasi Dhar (65). All of them are residents of Mukroh. The Assam forest guard who was also killed in the incident was identified as Bidyasing Lekhte.
The injured were Cheini Nartiang (48) and Elias Samaiang (36).