With no representation in the KHADC, Jaintia Hills ADC or State Assembly, the Khun Hynñiewtrep National Awakening Movement (KHNAM) said it has high hopes that the new VPP-led Executive Committee (EC) will ensure strict enforcement of the Trading by Non-Tribals Regulation Act.
KHNAM leader Thomas Passah said the objective of the Act is not to generate revenue for the District Council but to protect the interests of the indigenous Khasi people.
He expressed optimism that a party like the VPP would consider the important issues they have raised for the welfare of the indigenous community.
Additionally, he urged the new EC to establish an autonomous body within the KHADC, free from the influence of the Members of the District Council (MDCs) and officials, to oversee a fair and transparent recruitment process, and to develop clear guidelines ensuring that the council employs efficient personnel.
Passah also called for the abolition of any illegal checkpoints or tax collection gates operated by the council on national highways.
He pointed out that some locations have check gates belonging to both the council and the Hima, which indirectly contribute to the rising prices of commodities.