A statement in the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly by Nongkrem MLA and president of the Voice of the People Party (VPP), Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit that free and fair elections were held only in the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) and not in the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC) election has left voters to ponder on how transparent the District Council Affairs (DCA) Department can be in conducting the elections to district councils.
The Election Commission of India (ECI), which is an apex autonomous body, empowered through article 324 of the Indian constitution, shoulders the responsibility of conducting free and fair elections in India of members of lower house of Parliament i.e. Loksabha and State Legislative Assemblies, which involve people of the country directly as it has an extensive authority to conduct these elections freely and fairly.
Unlike the ECI, the DCA is responsible for conducting the election to the three district councils on expiry of their terms. It also summons the District Councils Session for its first constitution and election of Chief Executive Members, Chairman of the District Council and also for appointment of Executive Members in accordance with the provisions under the Assam and Meghalaya Autonomous District (Constitution of District Council) Rules, 1951 as amended. The deputy commissioners are the returning officers of the council polls. These functionaries have limited role to play as their powers are derived from the 1951 council rules supervised by the DCA Department and not by the ECI.
If deeply observed, the DCA enjoys less autonomy and authority to overpower political interference because it is an arm of the government. For instance, the ECI reported that in Meghalaya, seizures worth Rs 1.16 crore were made in the 2018 elections, which increased to Rs 74.18 crore in 2023. However, no cases of seizure of liquor and money were reported during the district council electioneering process not because it is a clean election and none were induced, but the department has no flying squads, static surveillance teams to monitor.
If the ECI is not free from controversy when in 2019 general elections it came under the scanner for breach of the Model Code of Conduct the credibility of DCA can also be questioned as it is a guardian of district council elections, that also requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, and independence in election management as in the State elections.
Upholding the trust of citizens and the community in a democratic institution is crucial for the State’s future.