The West Jaiñtia Hills unit of the Hynñiewtrep Integrated Territorial Organisation (HITO) has shot off a letter of complaint to the District Medical and Health Officer (DMHO) over the way the Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Panaliar, Jowai, is functioning.
The hospital was inaugurated in December last year but critics of the government said that the opening was rushed as the state elections were to take place two months later. It was inaugurated without medical officers or senior medical officers but only a skeleton staff.
Today, HITO said that there are numerous “irregularities and discrepancies” but did not go into specifics. The pressure group asked the DMHO to improve and strengthen the functioning in order to provide quality health services to the public, especially those who cannot afford private medical care.
It would be better for the authorities to close the hospital until proper medical equipment, manpower and other necessities are put in place before opening it to the public, HITO added.