The Intern, a film written and directed by Gaurav Kuri, who hails from Shillong, will be screened at the International Film Festival of South Asia (IFFSA) Toronto next month.
Kuri is a product of Laban Bengalee Boys School, St Anthony’s Higher Secondary School and St Anthony’s College.
The Intern, the story of a nun undergoing “an awakening”, has also been entered at the Kolkata International Film Festival, 12th International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala, Royal Stag Barrel Select | Large Short Films and LGBTQ Shorts Film Festival.
One of the core actors, Prerna Sunar, and the costume manager, Nikita Gadal, are also from Shillong.
The movie’s publicity material says that The Intern, Kuri’s debut student film, has “received rave reviews at regional, national and international film festivals.”
It will be screened at IFFSA Toronto, dubbed the biggest South Asian film festival in North America, on August 15.