A training programme on techniques and hygienic practices in slaughtering and meat handling was held today for meat handlers.
The training was attended by 25 meat handlers from Ri Bhoi district. They were also given free meat hygiene kits containing 16 items which would help them for maintaining hygiene at their slaughter, meat selling outlets and also help them to safeguard themselves from getting zoonotic diseases.
The meat handlers welcomed the program and participated enthusiastically, which they believed that the training would not only give a boost to their business but safeguard their health too.
Organised by the the KVK- Ri-Bhoi and Division of Animal & Fisheries Sciences (DAFS), ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, the training was funded by ST Component (previously TSP) of ICAR.
Dr Sandeep Ghatak briefed the meat handlers about various aspect of hygienic slaughter and the utility of the various inputs given to them.
The programme was attended by Dr S Hazarika, Nodal Officer, ST Component, ICAR, Dr Arnab Sen, Head DAFS, Dr M Islam, Head KVK and Dr T Singh, Nodal Officer-TSP-NRM.